Mount Washington

Mount Washington

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Showtime !!!

Having to be honest with you, the 3 weeks of traveling/vacation didn't help my training, however with the limited resources we have here in NJ, my training on the treadmill was the primary avenue of training for such a run ( The Mount Washington Road Race ) or affectionately know as the "Rock Pile". Mt Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft (1,917 m). It is famous for its dangerously erratic weather at the peak.The Mt. Washington Auto Road is 7.6 miles in length, has an average grade of 11.5% with extended sections of 18%, and the last 50 yards is a 22% "wall" to the finish.
Mentally I'm ready , Physically I wanted to go into the race weighing 175lbs,..... I'm leaving NJ at 183lbs, no injuries and feeling physically fit to complete the race. I'm going to go out on a limb and say my goal is to finish under 2:00 hrs.....Nature is a mother!!!! Wish me luck.

On a side note, I'm going to be staying with Mike and Rich Laracy, looking forward to seeing some old friends.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Good Friends come through

So maybe I shouldn't have went on my crazy rant about not making a few of my race entry lotteries, but my emotions got the best of me. Fast forward to Wed morning @ 9:30 and I get a call from a "friend" who says Pete," sign on to this specific website and do the following "I sign on ASAP and was invited to the event. Without getting into details I have been afforded the rare chance to compete in the Mount Washington Road Race on June 20th. I will be there.
Most importantly this is not about me competing in this event but acknowledging the people who made this happen, "Mike" for assisting getting me in the race ...... and the person(s) that provided "Mike" with my phone number so he could make contact with me.
So thanks friend(s) for helping me out. Very much appreciated
Keep Pace
Your friend

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stepping outside of ones self

Sunday morning, 0900 hrs and it was the Indian hills run I was about to involve myself in. The race is 9.3 miles of hilly terrain. Initially, when I signed up for this race I was no sure how I would run it, then I found out a friend of mine was also running. Normally I get a bit self occupied with trying to run PR’s or push myself to the point that I can’t really recall the details of the race. But since my friend was running this race, I decided to run this particular event for enjoyment, and this was a decision to which I was committed, no matter what I started to feel at the start.

It was a perfect day, Low 70’s sunny ……and I was well fueled for this course. I was informed that the race is very hilly and mostly run on old fire roads. I knew I would enjoy this race, because I wasn’t going to kill myself, and would actually be able to enjoy the scenery. Enjoyed it I did!!!, the hills were challenging , but with my anticipated Mt Washington Race, I was well prepared, and personally I felt very strong on ever climb..... it was a great run and I was very pleased to have made such an out of character decision and just run the race for enjoyment instead of competion. We finished at 1:27:15 and had plenty more in the tank. As I stated in earlier posts, you just have to step outside ones self to learn somthing about yourself, and in this case I did....thanks to my friend.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Seasons Change

When an idea is tested, many and varied obstacles will be thrown against the faith level of the one who believes in the idea. Unbelief will challenge belief, not just once, but many times, again and again, testing the endurance level of the believer, and equally, in return, the believer testing the unseen forces of unbelief – until one or the other wearies, and finally admits defeat.
Opponents may enter the ring in the challenge of a boxing match. One is more skilled than the other, and may display that skill early in the match, convincing the crowd that the skilled one will emerge the victor.
The other, less-skilled opponent is more determined, hard-headed enough to have trained vigorously, building up a level of fitness that has increased his endurance. This opponent refuses to lose, refuses to give up, no matter the cost of the blows.

Who do you think will win in the end?

Most likely, the more determined opponent will eventually prevail over the more skilled one. Endurance will carry the more determined one all the way to the end when the more skilled opponent runs out of energy, gives up the fight, and is defeated.
The same is true when we begin a marathon race. We may start out with enthusiasm because our energy level is high, but we must then run the race with endurance to reach the finish line. Some race to reach the line in first place, other runners’ motivations may be more personal; their goal is simply to finish.
In the case of the boxers, it is the last man standing who triumphs. In the case of those running the race, the first to cross is the winner. To others, just to cross that line is “winning”.
It is also true that in the life of an idea, overcoming that unseen, yet very real, enemy of your idea; the last man standing wins, whether it be belief or unbelief. Keep in mind that it is unbelief that seeks to infect our minds with negativity, and a lethargy that works its way into us with every blow, every setback, every punch to the head and to the gut, or every tired step we must take, just to finish the race.
If we let it, and do not endure the blows and setbacks, the enemy will defeat us. If we do endure, and refuse to lose, we will prevail and defeat it. At all times, the choice is ours, even when it seems impossible.
If the idea is simple, the test will most likely be uncomplicated, as well. Yet, often a simple idea that has a great potential, or one that may affect special interests, will receive extreme opposition.
All things have a season, or a period of time, when they are enabled to grow, as in the spring and summer, or appear to die, as in the fall and winter, when nature herself resists further growth. There are natural reasons for this, as in the example above.
We may ask ourselves, why ideas are resisted at all? In the realm of the spirit, ideas and inspiration are found. A season of time may be experienced when the idea appears to have declined, or even died, as in nature. Although there may be no outward evidence of growth, the life of the inspired idea still awaits in the fertile soil of the soul.
Last year it bore fruit, but now it seems to be barren. Endure the season, for endurance requires patience as a partner. For in a little while, the new buds of increase will begin to bloom, as new energy resurrects new life from the repose.
Sometimes you, and your idea, will have to patiently endure the winter season before it will bloom again. In the spring and summer time, the fruit will be even bigger and better!

Keep Pace!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Butterfly Effect

That transformation didn't happen overnight. It didn't happen after one run, though many of us expect just that. We think that every run needs to produce some immediate benefit. Whether it's supposed to make us faster or build our endurance, the effects of today's run are supposed to take effect, well,... today!

What I didn't know then was that there is a Butterfly Effect in running. It isn't the grand gestures and epic achievements that make us runners. Sure, running for 30 minutes nonstop is great. Qualifying for a Marathon is great. But that's not ultimately what makes you a runner.
It's the little things we do every day adding up over time that matter. It's not just running one morning; it's getting up morning after morning and running. It's not just eating better at one meal; it's making better decisions at every meal. It's the small decisions we make almost without thinking that make us runners.
The lesson from today's run may not be important right away. Learning you're more comfortable wearing a long-sleeve shirt even when it's not that cold out may lead to the best race of your life years later. Learning that you shouldn't have eaten the Fire Flavored Salsa on your nachos the night before a long run may mean a Race PR somewhere down the road.
It may be a function of aging, or it may be a function of maturing as a runner, but knowing I don't have to squeeze significance out of today's run has made running much more satisfying. Today's run might just be a run. I take it in as a point of data on my personal matrix. I don't try to assign a meaning to it. I have faith that somewhere, sometime, it will all matter.
I run now with enormous confidence that I am doing something good for myself, for my family. I run understanding that I may never know where the winds of some running epiphany started. And I run understanding that not understanding is all right.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pulling the curtain on 2009...its a wrap !!

 2009, what can possibly be said, it was a good year, a turbulant year, and well it was just 2009!! I can say with a great amount of certainty that without the subtle unassuming support of my wife I would not be here writing this......As for my kids, they make me laugh, give me gray hair, and provide a great degree of sleep deprevation , and I love ever minute of it. They are my inspiration to be a father, a role model, and thier friend...
  My gratitude extends beyond the family, I also fell  fortunate to  have
   A well paying job, especially in todays economy...
   My health, without it you and I are nothing
   My friends, especially the ones that share the common interest in endurance sports, Pepito and My Boss!!
   My parents, especailly my father who has come to a few of my races......his humble support is continous.
   The wifey....who supports the idea of a healthy hobby, and is still learning about my new found obsession.
   The Girls.....Sydney and Aubrey, Words cant express what a father feels for his daughters.

As for 2010...... I'm bringing it, all the training, all the hours, its being put on the line, see you at the races !!!!!